
招生熱線:158 2850 0080

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158 2850 0080


來源:通航學院中職部     作者:小編    發布時間:2023.12.15


Media Briefing of the "Belt and Road" International Forum on Vocational Education

Main Release


Distinguished guests and friends from the news media:


Goodafternoon, everyone! First of all, let me introduce the background of the "Belt and Road" International Forum on Vocational Education. In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the "Belt and Road" Initiative, drawing a grand blueprint for connectivity and win-win cooperation for the world. Over the past decade, Belt and Road cooperation has extended from the Eurasian continent to Africa and Latin America and expanded from physical connectivity to institutional connectivity, making it an important international cooperation platform that has been widely acclaimed.


The "Belt and Road" Initiative has brought great opportunities for the development of global vocational education, and has greatly promoted the wide spread of technology, the cross-border flow of skilled personnel, the mutual recognition of teaching standards and the deepening of cultural exchanges. In the course of this great historical process, the vast community of vocational education in China has closely and pragmatically interacted with peers from all over the world in the spirit of mutual respect, support and fulfillment, and has achieved fruitful results on the Silk Road of vocational education. For example, a number of "small yet smart" people-centered projects, represented by the "Luban Workshop", have become technical stations on the "Belt and Road", where Chinese master craftsmen unreservedly pass on their superb skills to their apprentices, knowing that the masters' efforts will enable the younger apprentices to enjoy a happier and better life. This kind of cooperation in vocational education, in the spirit of helping others to succeed while seeking one's own success, has united the people and cultivated talent, and has increasingly become a rigid demand for education in various countries.


The 106-year-old China Vocational Education Association has long been committed to advocating, researching and promoting vocational education and promoting the reform and development of vocational education in China. As an organization with associate status with the United Nations Department of Public Information and consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, we have attached great importance to providing international exchange opportunities for more than 6,000 group members, including vocational colleges and enterprises integrating production and education, and more than 70,000 individual members, to promote exchanges and cooperation in vocational education between China and foreign countries. This forum is to be held at such an important time as the 10th anniversary of the "Belt and Road" Initiative.


Below, I would like to introduce the main content of the forum. Upon approval, the "Belt and Road" International Forum on Vocational Education will be held in Baoding and Xiong'an, Hebei Province on December 20-21, 2023. As a supporting activity of the People-to-People Connectivity Forum under the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, this forum is a concrete initiative to thoroughly implement President Xi Jinping's important discourses on the "Belt and Road" Initiative. Under the theme of "serving the 'Belt and Road' Initiative and enhancing the adaptability and modernization of vocational education", the forum will be led by the China Vocational Education Association, co-hosted by the China Education Association for International Exchange and the Education Forum for Asia and co-organized by the People's Government of Baoding City and the Management Committee of Xiong'an New Area, with the main venue in Baoding City.


During the two-day conference, there will be a main forum consisting of five units, namely the opening session, the keynote forum, Sino-foreign dialogue and exchange, experience sharing and project promotion and the release of the cooperative development initiative on vocational education, as well as four parallel forums, namely "high-quality vocational education services to jointly build the 'Belt and Road' Initiative", "national vocational education policies and development needs on the 'Belt and Road' Initiative", "experience and innovation in industry-education integration in vocational education" and "experience exchange in the high-quality development of China's municipal vocational education".In addition, during the conference, 100 excellent cases of international cooperation in vocational education and 100 people-to-people connectivity stories of Silk Road vocational education in the past 10 years will be released, relevant cooperation agreements will be signed, and cultural exchange and practice activities such as excellent traditional Chinese culture exhibitions will be held. For details, please refer to the introduction by the comrades in charge of Baoding and Xiong'an later.


Although it is a cold winter and the New Year is approaching, under the strong influence of the spirit of the Silk Road, this forum has received enthusiastic responses from relevant parties at home and abroad. So far, representatives of governments, embassies and consulates in China and chambers of commerce from 27 countries, 24 international organizations, Fortune Global 500 enterprises and foreign universities have confirmed their attendance, and some overseas representatives are still confirming their attendance.


Domestic attendees include leaders from relevant ministries and commissions and Hebei Province, responsible comrades of organizations at all levels of the China Vocational Education Association and representatives from local governments, enterprises integrating production and education and vocational colleges. The conference will be attended by about 500 people.


Finally, I would like to introduce the highlights of this forum.


First, the forum will focus on the important proposition of "improving the adaptability and modernization of vocational education".Chinese President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to vocational education. In the 1990s, he served as the president of Minjiang Vocational University for six years while working in Fuzhou. The education philosophy he proposed - "not to seek the biggest, but to seek the best and adapt to social needs" - has had far-reaching influence. This year's Report on the Work of the Chinese Government pointed out that vocational education has become more adaptable over the past five years, and the operating conditions for vocational colleges have continued to improve. In the newly revised Vocational Education Law of the People's Republic of China last year, the word "adaptation" appears no less than 10 times, demonstrating the richness of the adaptability of vocational education. How to further answer the fundamental question of "improving the adaptability and modernization of vocational education" is currently an important task for many countries, especially developing countries. At this forum, we will introduce to and share with guests from all over the world the latest practices of vocational education in promoting Chinese path to modernization by continuously improving adaptability, and discuss the relationship between improving the adaptability of vocational education and the modernization of countries at different development phases, so as to contribute the wisdom of vocational education society to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.


Second, the forum will actively build a new platform for exchanges and cooperation in vocational education under the "Belt and Road" Initiative. The forum aims to summarize China's achievements in the development of vocational education to the world. In addition, China, together with "Belt and Road" countries, will sort out and look forward to the new trends in the development of vocational education in the world, summarize and share new models of vocational education in various countries and build a new platform for Sino-foreign vocational education cooperation. During the forum, we will launch the initiative for cooperative development of vocational education, which will help make cooperation in vocational education among "Belt and Road" countries more efficient and accurate; We will promote in-depth negotiations between Chinese and foreign local governments, universities and enterprises to match supply and demand and sign agreements to lay a solid foundation for further cooperation.

三是論壇將成為外國朋友了解中華傳統文化的一扇窗口。大會精心為中外嘉賓準備了“文化套餐”,為技術技能人才提供了展示風采的國際舞臺,其中既包括會議第一天晚上精彩紛呈的音樂詩畫主題展演,也包括具有職業特征的“唐卡技藝”、“中醫艾灸”、“定瓷燒制”等中華非物質文化遺產技能展示,還包括在沉浸式觀摩活動中與雄安勞動者、建設者之間的互動交流。保定市有著悠久厚重的歷史文化底蘊,會場內外可隨處體驗到“冀北干城、都南屏翰”的文化魅力;雄安新區是大量技術技能人才用雙手勞動建造的生態之城、智慧之城、創新之城,是一座正在拔地而起的“妙不可言 心向往之”的現代化未來之城,參會嘉賓將會充分領略中國古典城市與現代城市文明交映之美。

Third, the forum will become a window for foreign friends to understand traditional Chinese culture. The conference has carefully prepared a "cultural package" for Chinese and foreign guests, providing an international stage for the performances of technical and skilled personnel. The package includes the splendid music, poetry and painting theme performances on the first night; the display of skills related to Chinese intangible cultural heritage with characteristics of occupations, including "Thang-ga skills", "traditional Chinese medicine moxibustion" and "firing of Ding porcelain"; and the interactive exchanges with workers and builders during the visits to Xiong'an. Baoding has a long and profound historical and cultural heritage. Its cultural charm of "a strategic location in northern Hebei and the southern gate of the capital" can be experienced everywhere inside and outside the venue. Xiong'an New Area is a city of ecology, wisdom and innovation built by a large number of technical and skilled personnel. It is a modern city of the future, rising from the ground, which is "amazing and desirable". Guests will be able to fully immerse into the beauty of the mixture of classical and modern urbanization.


Fourth, the forum will build a people-to-people connectivity bridge through vocational education. Vocational education is ability-based, demand-oriented and lifelong, and determines the well-being of individuals. This forum will give play to the positive role of international cooperation in education in promoting people-to-people connectivity. We open the door to hold conferences, make friends and promote development. The Silk Road Vocational Education Stories to be released at the forum and the forthcoming speeches of the distinguished guests will show the sincere friendship between teachers and students and between enterprise employees over the past decade. We believe that this forum will enrich the stories of vocational education in terms of people-to-people connectivity, and will broaden the road of people-to-people connectivity.


Finally, we hope that all sectors of the community, including friends from the media, will give strong support and attention to the activities of the forum to achieve better exchanges and cooperation, greater project progress and longer-term pragmatic results.


Thank you.


招生熱線 : 158 2850 0080             在線咨詢 :1808225560